Prod. 2165 - Mary Poppins (V)

The rest of Frank and Ollie's animation of the penguins, and a scene of the merry-go-round guard by Art Stevens.


  1. I thought the kissing scenes at the end stood out from the rest of the dancing scenes! It seems Ollie gets more specific acting business than Thomas does here.

  2. Really? Both animators do great work on the penguins, without doubt; but I always thought the penguin dance was the most fulfilling from a cinematic perspective. But..different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

    Mmm, there appears to be a few missing scenes of the penguin being slapped, though I'll say it's safe to say it was likely Ollie's work.

  3. So Frank Thomas is used as the "action" animator and Ollie Johnston as the "personality" animator.

  4. Frank's animation did show personality on the penguins, didn't he? I mean, the penguins ducking under Dick Van Dyke's feet, is certainly solid character animation; as well as an animation problem Thomas managed to solve.


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