Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (XV)  - Seq. 13 - Captured by The Pirates

Directed by Gerry Geronimi, laid out by Tom Codrick and Don Griffith. Assistant director Lou Debney, secretary Marie Dasnoit.
This Final draft dated 9/28/52.

Animated by Cliff Nordberg (Hook, Smee, Pirates), Julius Svendsen (Kids), Hal Ambro (Wendy), Bill Justice (Kids and Pirates), Ollie Johnston (Smee), Jerry Hathcock (Hook), Hugh Fraser (Hook), Bob Carlson (Hook), Don Lusk (Tink), Eric Cleworth (Hook), Woolie Reitherman (Hook), Hal King, George Rowley (Pixie Dust).

A lot of different animators on Captain Hook - none of them Frank Thomas, as he was assigned the delicate character scenes. Woolie was directing Hook in the action scenes, so I suspect he was in charge of the others in this sequence.

Notice the scene numbering! Some creative editing here! Also - a lot of scenes were cut out - which does not necessarily mean that they were not animated!


  1. So this confirms Geronimi was assigned to the pirate ship scenes while Luske was assigned to the island scenes. The scenes of Peter and Tink with the surprise package occur within this sequence in the film, but they're in the draft as a separate sequence (13.1) following this one - with notes in the draft indicating when we cut to Luske's sequence.

    No idea why Hal King shares scene 71 (a close-up of Hook) with Woolie...

    Hugh Fraser animating Hook is new. I had kind of expected him to animate the minor pirates, and he may have done so in later sequences.

  2. I didn't expect to see Bill Justice working on Geronimi's sequences, but stranger things have happened.

  3. These are all great. Thanks for continuing to post drafts Hans!

    This one (Seq 13) sure makes me wonder more about those scenes that were cut.

  4. This is a cool sequence, as I expected dancing pirates to be Hugh Fraser (at least with some of his distinctive eyes he drew) - instead he draws some of Hook, but oddly enough I did expect him to animate some scenes of him there but it's all wonderfully animated by Cliff Nordberg - and it extends the reasons why I like him so much as an animator.

    That tattoo scene is great, but the show following up with the kids laughing by Bill Justice is not appealing animation. Perhaps he was plagued by assistant work. Frank Thomas pretty much has left the film from that point on as Woolie Reitherman and his crew take over the Hook scenes, as it appears.


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