Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (VIII)  - Seq. 07.0 - Mermaid Lagoon

Directed by Ham Luske, laid out by Ken O'Connor and Thorington "Thor" Putnam. Assistant director Rusty Jones, secretary Ruth Wright. This Revised Final draft dated 8/28/52.

NOTE! I am posting in draft order, not in film order. Thus, Seq. 7.1 (next seq.) actually comes before this one. On yesterday's posting you see that it says "2-00 X-Dissolve to Sc. 42 of Seq. 7.1."
(Thanks to Steven Hartley for noticing this.)

Animation by Fred Moore (Mermaids), Ken O'Brien (Mermaids, Peter), Hal Ambro (Peter , Wendy), Eric Larson (Peter, Wendy), Clarke Mallory (Peter), Bob Carlson (Smee, Tiger Lilly, Hook, Crocodile), Woolie Reitherman (Crocodile), Josh Meador (water effects).

Pretty girls were no news to Freddie Moore, and it comes as no surprise that he drew the mermaids in this sequence. Sadly, he died only three months after the date on this draft on 11/23/52, age 41.

Layout man Thor Putnam was at Stanford at the same time as Frank and Ollie, and I do have his yearbook photo in a Stanford Quad:
Here is Thorington Caldwell Putnam of Theta Chi Class of 32!


  1. Carlson gets *very* incidental shots of Hook, Smee and Tigerlily... but he gets the more characterful of the two crocodile shots!

    Obviously I expected to see Freddy Moore animating the mermaids... I was surprised to see he animated anything else! (Smee and the pirates in an earlier sequence)

  2. Nice find on the picture of Thor Putnam.

    I can see that Fred is supported by his buddy: Ken O'Brien who apparently had such awe to Freddie - even following him over to Walter Lantz Studios in the late 40s.


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