
Showing posts from November, 2012

Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (XII)  - Seq. 10.0 - Indian Dance

I am sorry to have kept you waiting, but it was crunch time in our latest production, "Piggy," which kept me from doing anything else. Finally, here is the next sequence: Directed by Ham Luske, laid out by Al Zinnen and Charles Philippi. Assistant director Rusty Jones, secretary Ruth Wright. This Final draft dated 9/24/52. Animation by Ward Kimball (Chief, Squaw, Girl, Brave, Mother-in law), Hal Ambro (Peter, Wendy, Tiger Lily), Hal King (John, Michael, Chief), Wetzel "Judge" Whitaker, Julius Svendsen (Lost Boys), Don Lusk (Peter, Tiger Lily, Wendy, Michael, John, Indians, Lost Boys), Marvin Woodward (Cubby, Twins (Lost Boys)), Charles Nichols (Indians), Ken O'Brien (Peter, Tiger Lily), Hugh Fraser (Indians, Lost Boys), Bob Carlson (Smee), Clair Weeks (Tink). In these times of oft-misplaced and blown-out-of-propotions Political Correctness, this sequence is often noted as being racist against "Native Americans" but from where I come from it is just a l...

Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (XI)  - Seq. 09.0 - Hook Has A Cold

Directed by Gerry Geronimi, laid out by Tom Codrick and Don Griffith. Assistant director Lou Debney, secretary Marie Dasnoit. This FINAL draft dated 9/24/52. Animation by Frank Thomas (Hook) , Ollie Johnston (Smee), Cliff Nordberg (Smee and Croc) and Fred Moore (small frantic Smee) with effects by George Rowley. This sequence is shared by Frank and Ollie, while Nordberg has a few lesser Smee scenes. I sometimes wonder what Fred Moore would have thought about having the "role" of third fiddle to his former assistants. This draft is dated 2 months before his untimely death.

Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (X)  - Seq. 08.0 - Skull Rock

Directed by Ham Luske, laid out by Ken O'Conner and Thor Putnam. Assistant director Rusty Jones, secretary Ruth Wright. This Revised Final draft dated 8/28/52. Animated by Blaine Gibson (Seagulls), Bob Carlson, Eric Cleworth (Hook, Smee, Peter), Ken O'Brien (Peter, Wendy, Tiger Lily), Les Clark (Peter, Wendy), Woolie Reitherman, Jerry Hathcock (Hook, Crocodile), Milt Kahl (Peter), Fred Moore (Smee), Hal Ambro (small Peter, Wendy, Liger Lily). Very much character casting in this sequence, with the most juicy scenes in the hands of the supervising animators, Milt and Woolie. But the others do a fine job, and this has become probably the most screened sequence of the film - a classic for the Christmas shows. The numbers between the scenes, I believe to be the numbers of take of the reference live action photostats, but I can be mistaken. With this big batch I wish all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (IX)  - Seq. 7.1 - Boys Tied to Stake

Directed by Ham Luske, laid out by Al Zinnen and Charles Philippi. Assistant director Rusty Jones, secretary Ruth Wright. This Final draft dated 5/8/52. Note: in the film, this sequence is before yesterday's Seq. 07.0! Animation by Wetzel "Judge" Whitaker (Boys), George Kreisl (Indians), Ward Kimball (Indian Chief) and George Rowley (Shadows).

Prod. 2074 - Peter Pan (VIII)  - Seq. 07.0 - Mermaid Lagoon

Directed by Ham Luske, laid out by Ken O'Connor and Thorington "Thor" Putnam. Assistant director Rusty Jones, secretary Ruth Wright. This Revised Final draft dated 8/28/52. NOTE! I am posting in draft order, not in film order. Thus, Seq. 7.1 (next seq.) actually comes before this one. On yesterday's posting you see that it says "2-00 X-Dissolve to Sc. 42 of Seq. 7.1." (Thanks to Steven Hartley for noticing this.) Animation by Fred Moore (Mermaids), Ken O'Brien (Mermaids, Peter), Hal Ambro (Peter , Wendy), Eric Larson (Peter, Wendy), Clarke Mallory (Peter), Bob Carlson (Smee, Tiger Lilly, Hook, Crocodile), Woolie Reitherman (Crocodile), Josh Meador (water effects). Pretty girls were no news to Freddie Moore, and it comes as no surprise that he drew the mermaids in this sequence. Sadly, he died only three months after the date on this draft on 11/23/52, age 41. Layout man Thor Putnam was at Stanford at the same time as Frank and Ollie, and I do have his ye...