Prod. 2063 - Cinderella (XVI)  - Seq. 4.2 - Duke Awakens the King

Directed by Gerry Geronimi, laid out by Don DaGradi, Tom Codrick and Don Griffith. Assistant director Ted Sebern, secretary Marie Dasnoit. A whole new production crew takes over.
This final draft dated 11/1/49.

Duke by Frank Thomas, Norm Ferguson, Woolie Reitherman, Milt Kahl
King by Woolie Reitherman, Norm Ferguson.
Town square crowd by Josh Meador

A very enjoyable Duke by Frank. He must have enjoyed animating the caricatured Duke, as a contrast to his very realistic stepmother...


  1. At last, we come to what is probably my favorite sequence in the film. Clyde Geronimi finally comes onboard the production, and supervising animators abound. The king's bizzare dream is as amusing as it is disturbing, and the king and duke fighting on the bed is pure entertainment value! Milt Kahl was right; Geronimi got the best assets, and the best results came along quietly, inspite of his overall behavior.

  2. The character animation assignments should read:

    Duke by Frank Thomas, Norm Ferguson, Woolie Reitherman, Milt Kahl
    King by Woolie Reitherman, Norm Fergsuon.

    Woolie animates several scenes of both the King and Duke, but Milt only animates one shot, of the Duke.

  3. Thanks, John V. - I corrected following your comments :-)

  4. This is a fun sequence to watch - with some funny animation of the King and the Duke. Woolie Reitherman's King in the dream scenes with the children is surprising. It's not his style - I thought Hal Ambro did the kiddies. Maybe another animator already handled them.

    Norm Ferguson seems to animate the scenes of the King mistakenly congratulating the Duke on the proposal. While Woolie takes over the excitement and comedy here.

    Also, there's a GOOFY HOLLER here.


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