Johnny Appleseed revisited

When, in the Eisner years, all departments of the Disney Company were forced to deliver material to be sold through eBay, on what they called Disney Auctions, I was lucky enough to pick up this piece of art. It was described basically as "boy with pan on head and skunk, from a magazine."

What this is, of course, is an illustration by master background painter Al Dempster for the article you see on the right in Walt Disney's Magazine (formerly Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Club Magazine), an amazing run of magazines with simple stories but illustrated by some of the greatest Disney artists in the late 50's. One finds work by Ken Anderson, X. Atencio, Collin Campbell, Vic Habush, Ken Hultgren, Eyvind Earle, Herb Ryman - art directed by Paul Hartley under the supervision of record-boss Jimmie Johnson.

[Visitors: remember to check out the rest of my stuff!!!]


  1. These is beautiful artwork, the layouts are quite simaliar to Mary Blair's

  2. Huh, funny enough I'm commenting this but there is a background painter there called Paul Hartley (not related), and there's a Scottish footballer called Paul Hartley.

    I know its pretty random what I said, but it just came to my head, and since my surname is 'HARTLEY', we have a coincidence.


  3. Beautiful Appleseed illustration. I have a small collection of MMC Magazines and have browsed through them to find illustrations from various artists. (Bill Peet for one).

    Will you do anything with the Little Golden and other book artists? Or have you, I have not searched yet? (So much here, so little time.....)

    You probably know of a large anthology book, similar to a Big Golden Book, called Disney Treasure Chest, circa 1940s. It features early developmental concepts for later features like Pan, Lady, and Sleeping Beauty

    Very interesting to see an early version of Maleficent, not glamorous AT ALL. :)


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