Prod. 2138 - The Sword in the Stone  - Seq. 14.0 - "Wart Becomes Kay's Squire - Off to London"

This Seq. 14 is wedged inbetween Seq. 10 and Seq. 12 ("Ending").
Animation by John Ewing, Eric Cleworth, Hal Ambro, Dick Lucas, John Lounsbery, Hal King, and the last half by Ollie Johnston.
This FINAL draft dated 7/24/1963...
Comments anyone?


  1. I was speaking with Tom Sito last week, and he told me he never understood the ending of "Sword in the Stone." I told Tom I never understood the ending either.

    I think Bill Peet is an awesome story guy, but this ending totally confused me. Oh, well.

  2. I got a buzz out of seeing some of my scenes from the draft of The Sword in the Stone. Congratulations on a neat website. Floyd Norman made the caricature drawing of me when I left the studio all those years ago; I tried once to get in touch with him, but got no response. Maybe he was busy.
    John Ewing

  3. I think the understanding of the ending of 'The Sword in the Stone', is probably why Wart pulled the sword out is because Wart knew all the tricks Merlin taught him, and Merlin was probably far off and made a spell for Wart to pull the sword off the stone.


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