Prod. 2016 - The Three Caballeros (II)

Here are the other two interstitials for The Three Caballeros, Seq. 3 (Intro to Baia, dated 6/12/44) and 4 (Duck-Parrot Blowing Up, dated 9/21/44). Animation by Hal King, John Lounsbery, Les Clark, Fred Moore, Eric Larson, John Sibley. Effects by Josh Meador and John Reed. In Seq.3, Joe Carioca pops up again...


  1. I received this message from my old mentor Børge Ring:

    You mention John Reed on your PINATA section.

    He is credited for character animation on the Disney short "No Sail". He is supposed to have animated some of the Goofy scenes.
    Harold Mack told me a lot about Reed who was one of the two people that Hand brought with him to Cookham.
    Reed was an animation man of many trades. Harold Whitaker revealed what Reed's philosophy was as a director on Halas's feature "Animal Farm" (using a
    metronome with a pendulum the size of a grandfather clock.)


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