One Year...

Gee, I just realized that that I started this blog one year and two days ago! To recap, this is posting #230. Nearly 1,000 documents and pictures (including ten or so Action Analysis Classes, 45 short drafts and the complete Pinocchio draft) and even some software. By the way, is anyone using my Beatronome? New arrivals: check the archives! And whatever you do, you have to check out the intro to our company showreel!

Thank You's are due to all who left intelligent comments, including Mark Mayerson, Mike Sporn, Mike Barrier, Floyd Norman, Joe Campana, theSpectre, FantasiaMan, etc. etc. - see my links on the right! Please keep the comments coming, folks! I find I learn a lot from them, and I trust this goes for all readers of this blog!


  1. gefelici-blog-teerd Hans!

    mogen er nog vele posts volgen- je blog is fantastisch informatief en een plezier om te lezen.

  2. Hans,

    You have my deepest thanks for the invaluable material you've posted here and your own intelligent thoughts regarding the people and films discussed in those documents. Your "room" in the internet Museum of Animation is a daily stop for me . Here's to many more years of blogging . Cheers.


  3. Thanks for all of the great posts over the past year. Keep them coming.
    Oh, and your "beatronome" is the best. It's been so helpful to me as I try and learn about timing to a beat. Thanks again Hans.

  4. Many thanks for your great blog, and congratulations on keeping it going for a year! No small task, to be sure.


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