Prod. 2004 - Fantasia (VI) - Seq. 5.3 & 5.4 (Nutcracker: Dance of the Reed Flutes & Arabian Dance)
Directed by Sam Armstrong, assisted by [Norman] Wright and Lloyd Richardson. Layout by Al Zinnen. These pages dated 6/24/40 & 8/19/40. Animation by Cy Young, Sandy Strother, Brad Case, [Hawley] Pratt, Frank Follmer, Josh Meador, Cornett Wood, Jim Will, John Reed, and especially notable, the Fish-ballerina by Don Lusk. Hawley Pratt is one of those many names that we really do not know from Disney's, but who was educated there, just like other notables like Izzy Ellis, Emery Hawkins or Ken Muse. Nice to see him turn up here! (Thanks, John V. and Zartok-35 for reminding me of Norman Wright!)