
Showing posts from May, 2010

Studio Talks - Staging (II)

Continued - also refers to yesterday's plates.

Studio Talks - Staging (I)

Here follows the second lecture: Staging - by Ken O'Connor. A. Kendall O'Connor was born in Australia 6/7/1908, died in Burbank 5/27/1998. He worked at Disney in layout, art direction and styling from 1935 to 1975. Read more about Ken O'Connor on the Disney Legends page here ! The above pages refer to the following three sheets of diagrams:

Studio Talks - Composition (V)

Layout Mechanics continued. This finishes the first lecture in the series.

Studio Talks - Composition (IV)

First more thoughts on composition, then we delve into Layout Mechanics. This is partly a discussion on how the Disney cameras worked. From the description of the amount and types of cameras in use and the mention of which cameras they wish to have "available before the work comes through on Pinocchio," I guessed the approximate date of the document in the first posting. We find questions asked by John Hubley and Josh Meador. Charlie is, of course, Charles Philippi, the author of the lecture. Especially this part makes clear that we are reading a transcription of an actual meeting.

Studio Talks - Composition (III)

No illustrations with these - still, they are MUST READ! (I added an illustration I had forgotten to yesterday's post!)

Studio Talks - Composition (II)

Continued... The above pages refer to the following two sheets of diagrams: ‹‹ [added a page!]

Studio Talks - Composition (I)

Here is the first part (pages 1 through 7) of the lecture on composition by layout man Charles Edgar Philippi (Iowa 12/4/1898 - Los Angeles 7/2/1954) who worked at Disney from 1931 to 1952. The above pages refer to the following two sheets of diagrams: The explanations are deceptively simple, but universally applicable, and should be part of any course in composition...