Moving Day...
The studio is moving! In an effort to consolidate functions, A. Film will have this new address from next week: A. Film A/S Mosedalvej 14 2500 Valby Denmark [We are still in Copenhagen, but in a part that has its own name...] Some of you may recognize the address: for a hundred years it has been the address of the Film Studio Nordisk Film . Arguably the oldest constantly-producing film studio in the world, Nordisk Film was started November 6th, 1906 . Yes, Pathé is ten years older, but it has not had the same continuity... This Friday afternoon, after the main move, we will have a "House Cooling Party" in our old address on Tagensvej, for which this invite was made (in Danish!): By the way, we keep our telephone numbers! Our scanners have already moved, so that settled it - no new posts until sometime next week!