In the late 40's, Dave Hand (1900-1986), who previously was animator and director on Disney's shorts, and Supervising Director on Snow White and Bambi, was hired by J. Arthur Rank to start an animation business in Cookham, England. Listen to him telling a bit about himself on British BBC radio around 1950, not long before he moved to Denmark, to work with my old mentor Børge Ring, Bjørn Frank Jensen, and A. Film's own Karsten Kiilerich's father-in-law, Arne Rønde in Vedbæk north of Copenhagen... Today was a highlight at the 3-D Expo, as we saw a program with most all of the 3-D cartoons produced before the 60's, introduced by Jerry Beck. Most notably, Ward Kimball and Chas. Nichols' "Melody" and Jack Hannah's "Working for Peanuts." A wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience! Mind you, the rest was also very interesting, including Halas & Batchelor's peculiar "The Owl and the Pussicat", an abstract Norman McLaren, a Woo...